Safeguarding Athletes: The Importance of Specialized Sports Testing
Whether a professional, amateur or recreational athlete, every sport contains some amount of injury risk. However, sudden impact to the head can lead to a variety of injuries, ranging from contusions and lacerations to concussions, skull fracture and severe traumatic brain injury. Even whiplash, often thought of as a neck injury, can involve concussion-like symptoms […]
Stab / Slash
Stab/Slash Testing Biokinetics tests to the NIJ 0115.00 and HOSDB test standards for assessing the penetration resistance against bladed and spike threats. The NIJ standard, “Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor”, was developed in collaboration with the Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB) in the UK, for classifying and regulating the test performance of body armour […]
Drone Safety
Biokinetics helps drone manufacturers, aftermarket suppliers and operators meet the latest CAA safety requirements, such as those issued by the FAA to address flight operations over people (OOP). Demonstration of compliance with the safety requirements is essential for OOP, where previously only exemption waivers were required.
Less Lethal
Less Lethal Testing LESS LETHAL AMMUNITION STANDARDIZATION NEEDS Currently, there is an urgent need from the law enforcement acquisition community to evaluate the safety of less-lethal ammunition such as sponge grenades, and beanbag rounds and rubber bullets. Until recently there has been little to no policy or guidance and they must rely on their own […]
Body Impact
Body Impact Testing Blunt impact to the human body can cause a spectrum of injury from mild bruising to bony fractures and internal injuries. This context is usually treated separately from head and neck injury, but can include serious injuries to the thorax, abdomen and spine. Laboratory testing typically relies on human surrogate body forms […]
Head Impact
HEAD IMPACT Testing Head impact can cause skull fractures and focal or diffuse brain injury which can result in threat to life. Impacts to the face and jaw can cause bony fractures and ocular injuries. Human protective equipment must be tested in ways that simulate the mass and energy of the impact event and also […]
Ballistics Testing
Ballistics Testing At Biokinetics, we believe that there is no substitute for experience. For more than two decades, we have supported military and commercial test programs that focus on protecting the human body from impact threats. Whether it is armour for vehicles or personnel, Biokinetics has the tools, people, and experience to get the job […]