Advanced Testing

Since 2008 Biokinetics has been providing independent and unbiased assessments to defence scientists and research centres with specialized testing, analysis, and development services in the fields of injury biomechanics, fragment and small arms effects, blunt impact, blast injuries, and personnel protection.

We have been called upon to execute studies using a combination of human analogues and simulants such as anthropomorphic test devices, biofidelic thoracic rigs, synthetic bones, ballistic ordnance gelatin, ballistic soap, ballistic clay and other experimental human model systems. These are complimented by advanced instrumentation packages including dynamic 1D/3D displacements, striking and residual velocities, accelerations, force transmission and impulse, applied pressures and muzzle blast.

Ballistics resistance testing of protection systems may be performed on a variety of products and materials dependent on the objectives being sought. Single plate and minimum engineered targets may be used for quality control of materials and basic assemblies to reduce the risk of failure on fully engineered targets. Full protective systems or sub-systems may also be tested to fully evaluate the protective capacity. 

Biokinetics uses advanced sequential test methods utilizing real-time statistical analysis of the data during testing. These advanced methods provide more information for the same or fewer test items leading to improved testing efficiency, increased accuracy, and supports estimation of the entire response curve.


  • Development of specialized test apparatus. 
  • Development of test methodologies and metrics for injury risk evaluation as well as for the assessment of small arms effects and the performance of protective materials and equipment.
  • Processing, validation and interpretation of sensor and imagery data from dynamic events. 
  • Modelling and analysis of protective materials and biological systems response under dynamic loading.
  • Expert advice in injury biomechanics, small arms effects, and performance/design of personal protective equipment.


  • BTTR – Blunt Trauma Torso Rig
  • BLSH – Ballistic Load Sensing Headform
  • MLSH – Mandible Load Sensing Headform


  • V50 Assist – ballistic limit assessment 
  • BioDAQ – data acquisition and injury functions