
Biokinetics tests to the NIJ 0115.00 and HOSDB test standards for assessing the penetration resistance against bladed and spike threats. The NIJ standard, “Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor”, was developed in collaboration with the Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB) in the UK, for classifying and regulating the test performance of body armour and vests.

The current standard addresses Biokinetics tests to the NIJ 0115.00 and HOSDB test standards for assessing the penetration resistance against bladed and spike threats. The NIJ standard, “Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor”, was developed in collaboration with the Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB) in the UK, for classifying and regulating the test performance of body armour and vests. “street threats” typically of high quality metal and feature very sharp cutting edges and tips. In contrast, weapons in corrections environments are less refined due to their improvised construction methods and use of low strength materials. Recently, Biokinetics participated with the NIJ Special Technical Committee (STC) to classify stab threats in the US and revise the NIJ standard to be reflective of these, ie. NIJ 0115.01. Biokinetics can assess armour performance against all threat types with our testing services or can create this capability in your lab with our equipment.

Reference: 2014, Shewchenko, N., Rowley, N., Baines, D., Bir, C., “Development of Stab Weapon Exemplars from a Survey of Threats in a Corrections Environment” , Personal Armour Safety Symposium 2014, Cambridge, UK, September 2014.